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Joy Warrior wins battle with Chronic Lyme Disease

Before contracting Chronic Lyme Disease Jennifer Robinson was the poster child for Type A personalities. This cute, bubbly woman was always on-task, planning extravagant special events at impressive venues. She did her work with the assistance of ample supplies of Pepsi, M & Ms, Cool Ranch Doritos and her favorite Yankees baseball cap. She would ultimately give up those crutches, and even the work she loved, in battling a disease that almost killed her.
Memoir chronicles battle to regain health
Joy Warrior, the latest book published by Personal Chapters, chronicles Jennifer Robinson’s struggles to find the cause of her debilitating symptoms. These symptoms almost led to her death before she was finally diagnosed with Lyme’s Disease. Now Robinson is determined to help others who may be facing the same diagnosis. Lyme Disease is an epidemic that is reaching alarming proportions in the U.S.Jennifer initially struggled with a diagnosis that came a few long years after the initial symptoms appeared. Even worse, she was also coping with thyroid cancer, the loss of her beloved career, a new relationship and marriage, raising two teenagers and the death of her mother.
Joy Warrior details how this woman found new hope and a new life with the help of #Team Jennifer. A special needs student named Sean and meditation helped her healing process even more.
Enter #TeamJennifer
Joy Warrior is subtitled “A survival guide for optimal living in joy when you become half of your whole.” And that is exactly what Jennifer Robinson is now doing, thanks to her loving family, friends and healing team members. It took her many months to switch her brain from fuming over how in the world she got bit by an infected tick (when she didn’t even have a dog) to becoming a spokeswoman for peace and joy by fulfilling a new life mission. Those who suffer from any debilitating disease would do well to read Joy Warrior.
A book to inspire healing
Dr. Michelle Robin, one of Jennifer’s healing team members, writes, “Jennifer’s story will give you hope and inspire you to heal not only your body, but your heart. I encourage you to become your own Joy Warrior and share this journey with Jennifer.”
It is an honor to become a member of #TeamJennifer and help her spread the message of Joy Warrior. The book is now available on Amazon.
Jennifer Robinson surrounds herself figuratively with red balloons to help drive negativity away. She is now a Joy Warrior.


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